Patient Experience
Received great care from our team or could we have done better for you or your family? Hearing from our patients, their families, and carers is vital to improving our services.
Your feedback is of great value when it comes to helping us to improve our services. Our Same Day Care services offer a patient experience survey, via the link below.
Patient Feedback
How did we do…
Same Day Care
Overall, how was your experience of our service?
Percentage of Responses Good and Very Good
Did you get the help that mattered to you?
Percentage of Responses Good and Very Good

Get in touch
If you are unhappy with the care either you or someone you care for has received, we would value your feedback. To make a comment or complaint about NHUC or any of the services we provide please use the form on this page. We will look into any issue that you raise and get in touch with you.
Alternatively, you can get in touch by emailing, writing to us or by contacting one of our team by phone: NHUC Complaints, The Meads Business Centre, 19 Kingsmead, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7SR
Please call 111 for access to our services.

Complaints process
We hope most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily. It is helpful to let us know of your complaint as soon as possible; this gives us the best chance of resolving the issues you raise immediately.
However, we understand that sometimes it may not be possible to do this. Please let us have the details of your complaint:
- Within 12 months of the incident or
- Within 12 months from the time you became aware of the problem
NHUC’s Complaints Policy is in line with the NHS Complaints Regulations (2009).
Step One
Follow the guidance above on how to make a complaint
Step Two
Your complaint will be acknowledged within three working days. As part of this, your preference on how you would like to take the complaint forward will be discussed. We will agree a timescale and how you wish to be involved in the process including our response to you.
Step Three
We will investigate the complaint and keep you informed of progress.
Step Four
Response and resolution. We will share with you in our response what happened and what went wrong, offer an apology and identify learning and actions to improve. It may be helpful as part of this to offer a discussion with those involved or with one of our team.

Complaining on behalf of someone else
If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we will need to confirm that you have their permission to do so.
This will be required in writing unless they are unable to do so or if they are a child. We will only be able to share information specific to the issues raised in the complaint.
After making a complaint
If you remain unhappy with our response following the conclusion of the complaints process, you may request an external review from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO):
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Make a Complaint
Please note that this should not be used for access to health advice.
If you are feeling ill please contact your GP surgery if they are open or call 111 if you wish to access help out of hours.
Please note an asterisk (*) denotes a required field.
"*" indicates required fields
The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
You may wish to have support in dealing with your complaint and seek the services of the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service – The Advocacy People.